Published on Oct 21, 2022
This is an unintended continuation of my rant on The People vs. Leo Frank:
A YouTube commenter, Becca Allen, makes a comment alluding to the 'INNOCENCE' of Leo Max Frank, PROVEN BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT (except to NPCs and other MENTAL PATIENTS) to be GUILTY OF THE RAPE AND MURDER OF 13 YEAR OLD LITTLE MARY PHAGAN.
This immediately sends me to DEFCON 5 😡💥
I had previously located the Wikipedia entry of the Murder of Leiby Kletsky...but...there's a very pertinent detail missing from THE ENTIRE ENTRY...why is that?
See it for yourself:
Whoa! Time for my bonus in Caesar's Casino (whom, I'm certain, in NO BLOODY WAY endorses said content...nor could I give a HOT FCUK), and they produced such a fun game, I played it with my mom! Not during this broadcast, however.
Back to Becca Allen, the first official STUPID ASS OF THE MONTH.
I read a number of the comments on the video - my last comment, the "ZINGER", is ORWELLIZED.
No worries. Just replace it with a more reasoned comment. I'm good like that. does this blood feud end?
Becca Allen last writes: "Let's agree to disagree"
I give her a THUMBS UP.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that I have no class.
And...I cannot forget to mention my new initiative, the Great Olde Sports Men's League
Levi Aron Pleads Guilty On Murder Of Leiby Kletzky
15,338 views Aug 12, 2012 NEW YORK -- A man accused of abducting and dismembering an 8-year-old boy who got lost on the way home entered a guilty plea to avoid trial.
Levi Aron appeared in Brooklyn supreme court to enter the plea. He answered a series of questions from the judge where he said he killed Leiby Kletzky. He has previously pleaded not guilty to killing Kletzky, who went missing while walking home from religious day camp.
State Assemblyman Dov Hikind has said Aron as part of the deal would expect to be sentenced to life on August, 29th.
Prosecutors struck the deal in close consultation with Kletzky's family, the assemblyman said. The boy's disappearance and horrific death last year stunned his tight-knit Hasidic community in a section of Brooklyn represented by Hikind.
For Kletzky's family, the loss of their only son has been almost too much to bear.
- Levi Aron pleads guilty in Leiby Kletzky murder
RUMBLE - you shouldn't have let the (((homosexual banking mafia))) turn you into feckless faggits⁣🏳‍🌈


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